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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Forest School

 At Ankermoor Primary Academy we believe it is vital that we maintain a creative, broad and balanced curriculum. This includes ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to experience the world first hand and have chance to see and take part in activities outside the classroom.

Forest School sessions at Ankermoor  are intended to provide children with the opportunity to explore and experience the natural world through practical activities in the outdoors. This will in return help promote confidence, independence, team working and improved self-esteem.  

Sessions shall not be limited to children of a certain age, instead all children will have the opportunity to attend a block of sessions before they leave the school. Children will visit the site regularly, throughout the year, to acknowledge different seasons and in all weathers too! 

Typically, Forest School encourages children to:  

  • develop personal and social skills  

  • work through practical problems and challenges 

  • use tools to create, build or manage  

  • discover how they learn best  

  • pursue knowledge that interests them 

  • learn how to manage failures  

  • build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk 

  • develop practical skills  

  • understand the benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle  

  • explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth  

  • regularly experience achievement and success 

  • reflect on learning and experiences  

  • develop their language and communication skills  

  • improve physical motor skills  

  • become more motivated  

  • improve their concentration skills 

  • improve their communication  

  • to explore the world through all the senses available to them 

Children will be able to lead their own learning within our Forest School sessions. The Forest School lead will maintain the area, resourcing it as necessary. Children can use the sessions as a way to explore their natural curiosity and can participate in planned activities if they would like to do so. It is the intention that children at Ankermoor will leave our school having gained some practical, useful, life skills and knowledge, which has enabled them to be well-rounded citizens, by the time they leave our school. 

During sessions, children are encouraged to take risks and to take themselves out of their comfort zone. The Forest School lead will be responsible for weighing the risk vs benefit for each activity, particularly when it is something that the children have decided to complete for themselves. If the activity is deemed too risky, it will be the responsibility of the lead to stop the activity and explain why. If possible, the lead may suggest ways in which to tweak an activity to make it safer, and therefore it may continue. 

Below you will find our Forest School Long Term Plan, Medium Term Plan and a progression of Forest School Skills.

Check out more photos here!