A letter from our Trust CEO - Maria Hamblin

Fietre Festival
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that you are looking forward to the half term break. I just wanted to share a few updates with you in relation to our Trust.
We now have nine schools within the Trust. The latest school to join is Manor Primary in Tamworth, which is located in Drayton Bassett, Tamworth. Our Trust is one with primary expertise and includes schools which are village, junior and infant schools. We also have a brand-new Free School Presumption primary school in Tamworth (the first in 40 years) awarded by the DfE and Local Authority, which opened in 2021.
Trust Parent Forum
The first Trust Parent Forum met last week. Whilst there were representatives from some Trust schools, there are still some vacancies. Please contact me if you would like to know more about being part of this team: ceo@fierte.org
The next meeting is scheduled for 27th March 2023 from 5.45pm-7.30pm at Anker Valley Primary our brand-new build school.
The Trust Parent Forum requested that parents are updated each half term in relation to Trust events, news or initiatives. A record of each meeting will be uploaded to the Trust website following approval by attendees.
Fierté Festival
PE Leaders from across all our schools have met to organise our annual Fierté Festival. This year the theme will link to sport. Inter-school and cross- Trust tournaments are being planned for the Festival week in July. PE leaders will focus on cricket, football and netball as well as dance and other popular types of sport our children will enjoy. Each school will participate in an opening and closing ceremony. PE leaders are looking to invite well-known local sporting champions to inspire our children. In addition, tournaments and teams of schools will compete against each other at local sporting venues e.g., Tamworth Cricket Ground and hopefully, Burton Albion. Leaders will also be speaking to children about their wishes and interests for the Festival. We will continue to keep you informed.
Fierté Twitter and Facebook
The Trust Parent Forum felt that parents may not be aware that the Trust shares a fortnightly Twitter and Facebook Communication.
Links are: https://www.facebook.com/FierteTrust and https://twitter.com/fiertetrust?lang=en-GB
Kindest regards and enjoy your break.
Maria Hamblin (CEO)